The following is mostly from Wikipedia:

The Chandeshwari temple complex (also called Chandeshwori) lies just outside Banepa in the east of the Kathmandu Valley. The myth of the Chandeshwari temple is that this is the place where the mother goddess (Sati/Parvati and in Banepa known as Chandeshwari) defeated the demon Chanda. The demon was a plague to the world since Shiva gave him a boon that made him unbeatable except by women. The desperate gods asked Brahma for advice and he sent them to the forest around Banepa where the mother gods lived in those days. In the mean time Narada went to Chanda and provoked him to come to Banepa to fight the gods. When Chanda arrived with a big army of demons, all the gods took the forms of different birds and flew. The mother goddess quickly disappeared in a tree but Chanda saw that and cut down the tree with his sword. Now the goddess appeared on a big lion and a terrible fight between her and Chanda started. But Chanda had no chance and was killed by the mother goddess. Out of the belly of Chanda who was a big devotee of Shiva a lingam grew. This lingam can be seen in the small temple just in front of the big temple in the Chandeshwari temple complex. It is said that down at the big rocks around the river you can still see the marks of the big fight between the goddess and the demon. There are still animal sacrifices performed at this temple.

All pictures are © Dr. Günther Eichhorn, unless otherwise noted.


Chandeshwari Temple
Chandeshwari Temple. (706k)
Chandeshwari Temple
Chandeshwari Temple. (761k)
Chandeshwari Temple
Chandeshwari Temple. (930k)
Small Shiva Temple Chandeshwari
Small Shiva temple in the Chandeshwari Temple complex. You can see Nandi, Shiva's carrier in front of the temple. (811k)
Goddess Chandeshwari Demon Slayer
The Goddess Chandeshwari, the demon slayer. (1126k)
Messenger Bird Roof Corner
Messenger bird on the roof corner on the Chandeshwari Temple. (679k)
Statues Front Chandeshwari Temple
Statues in front of the Chandeshwari Temple. (799k)
Peacock Carrier Kumara Son
The peacock is the carrier of Kumara, son of Shiva. (526k)
Peacock Carrier Kumara Son
The peacock is the carrier of Kumara, son of Shiva. (616k)
Tiger Carrier Parvati
The tiger is the carrier of Parvati. (622k)
Elaborately Decorated Door Chandeshwari
Elaborately decorated door on the Chandeshwari Temple. (1112k)
Wood Carved Roof Decoration
Wood carved roof decoration on the Chandeshwari Temple. (907k)
Bronze Tiger Stature Front
Bronze tiger stature in front of the Chandeshwari Temple. (929k)
Malla King Queen Doing
Malla king and queen doing Namaste (the ritual greeting) in front of the Chandeshwari Temple. (862k)
Temple Decoration
Temple decoration. (1071k)
Monkey God Hanuman Covered
Monkey God Hanuman, covered with red paint, on the Chandeshwari Temple. (878k)
Trays Votive Oil Lamps
Trays for votive oil lamps. (879k)
Pictures Animals Sacrificed Chandeshwari
Pictures of animals that are sacrificed at the Chandeshwari Temple. (834k)

This page contains 18 pictures

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Page last updated on Tue Sep 24 18:19:03 2019 (Mountain Standard Time)

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