The stoneage monuments in Ireland are fantastic to see. I especially liked the many dolmen. Another example of the many remnants of Ancient Civilizations that I encountered during my travels.

Brú na Bóinne - Archaeological Ensemble of the Bend of the Boyne is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

All pictures are © Dr. Günther Eichhorn, unless otherwise noted.

Stone Age Monuments

Turoe Stone Early Celtic
Turoe Stone, an early Celtic standing stone carved in La Tène style, dating from between 300 BCE and 200 CE. It is located near Bullaun, County Galway. (1327k)
Ballymacgibbon Cairn Cong County
Ballymacgibbon Cairn, near Cong, County Mayo. (715k)
Carrowkeel Passage Tomb Cemetery
Carrowkeel passage tomb cemetery near Castlebaldwin, County Sligo. (703k)
Carrowkeel Passage Tomb Cemetery
Carrowkeel passage tomb cemetery. (661k)
Carrowkeel Passage Tomb
Carrowkeel passage tomb. (1027k)
Knowth Passage Tombs Brú
Knowth passage tombs at Brú Na Bóinne, County Meath. (523k)
Entrance Stones Main Knowth
Entrance stones to the main Knowth Cairn. (1107k)
Decorated Kerbstones Around Main
Decorated kerbstones around the main Knowth cairn. (927k)
Decorated Kerbstone Around Main
Decorated kerbstone around the main Knowth cairn. (674k)
Decorated Kerbstone Around Main
Decorated kerbstone around the main Knowth cairn. (684k)
White Quartz Stones Platforms
White quartz stones and platforms next to the main cairn of Knowth. (1317k)
Stone Ring Carrowmore Megalithic
Stone Ring at Carrowmore Megalithic Cemetery, near Sligo City, County Sligo. (915k)
View Mountains Around Carrowmore
View of the mountains around Carrowmore Megalithic Cemetery. Nearly every peak has a cairn on top. (558k)
Largest Cairns Knocknarea Cairn
The largest of these cairns, the Knocknarea cairn, near Sligo City, County Sligo. (328k)
Caiseal Coíllte Cashelkeelty Stone
Caiseal Coíllte (Cashelkeelty) Stone Circle between Castletownbere and Glengarriff, Beara Peninsula, County Cork. (1026k)
Srón Bearraín Shronebirrane Stone
Srón Bearraín (Shronebirrane) Stone Circle, Beara Peninsula. It is in a pasture with sheep and all. (1150k)
Doirin T'sagairt Derreenataggart Stone
Doirin an t'Sagairt (Derreenataggart) Stone Circle, near Castletownbere, County Cork. (992k)
Rath Chruinn Dha Dhroim
An Rath Chruinn Dha Dhroim (Ardgroom) Stone Circle, a very nice Bronze Age monument, near Castletownbere. (1166k)
Stone Circle Cong County
Stone Circle near Cong, County Mayo. This circle has the largest diameter of the circles that I saw. (1069k)
Dromberg Stone Circle Roscarberry
Dromberg Stone Circle, near Roscarberry, County Cork. This is one of the nicest Stone Circles, probably from around the 1st century CE, maybe even earlier. (1127k)
Building Foundation Next Dromberg
Building foundation next to the Dromberg Stone Circle. (1357k)
Drumanone Dolmen Boyle
Drumanone Dolmen near Boyle. (922k)
Poulnabrone Dolmen Burren County
Poulnabrone Dolmen in the Burren, County Clare. (797k)
Poulnabrone Dolmen Burren County
Poulnabrone Dolmen in the Burren, County Clare. (773k)
Dolmain Chnoi Bhrúnaigh Browne's
Dolmain Chnoi an Bhrúnaigh (Browne's Hill Dolmen) near Carlow Town, County Carlow. The cap stone of this 5000 year old dolmen, Europe's largest, weighs over 100 tons. (814k)
View Dolmain Chnoi Bhrúnaigh
View of the Dolmain Chnoi an Bhrúnaigh across the pasture. (571k)

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Page last updated on Fri Jan 17 16:45:46 2020 (Mountain Standard Time)

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