View of Yaxhá Lake from a Yaxhá pyramid. (753k) Sunset over Yaxhá Lake. (398k) Scenic valley in central Guatemala. (1063k) Natural pools at Semuc Champey. During the rainy season they are quite muddy. (1474k) Waterfalls at Semuc Champey. (1055k) River at Semuc Champey. It is quite violent during rainy season. (1236k) Rainbow over the Guatemalan rainforest. (1257k)
Morning Glory (Ipomoea sp., german: Prunkwinden, french: Ipomée). (783k) Impatiens (Impatiens sp., german: Springkräuter). (876k) Heliconia (Heliconia sp., german: Helikonien:Genus). (646k) Mushroom and Red Indian Pipe (Monotropa coccinea, french: Monotrope). (1148k) Bromeliad. (1.7M) Javier's Lepanthes (Lepanthes javieri). (611k) Babyboot Orchid (Lepanthes yunkeri). (704k) Babyboot Orchid (Lepanthes sp.). (696k) Warty Epidendrum (Epidendrum verrucosum). (840k) Night Scented Orchid (Epidendrum nocturnum). (796k) Stelis immersa Orchid (Stelis immersa). (1277k) Pleurothallis cardiothallis Orchid (Pleurothallis cardiothallis). (680k) Micro Orchid (Platystele microscopica). (716k) Masdevallia floribunda Orchid (Masdevallia floribunda). (709k) Gongora cassidea Orchid (Gongora cassidea). (602k) Trichopilia tortilis Orchid (Trichopilia tortilis). (649k) Orchid. (681k) Orchid. (701k) Fringed Star Orchid (Coilostylis ciliaris). (726k) Columnea sulfurea Orchid (Columnea sulfurea). (734k) White Nun Orchid Orchid (Lycaste skinneri, french: Lycaste virginalis) var superba. (757k) Swamp Orchid (Phaius tankervilleae). (668k) Black Orchid (Prosthechea cochleata), national flower of Belize. (605k) Bamboo Orchid (Arundina graminifolia). (670k) White Nun Orchid (Lycaste skinneri, french: Lycaste virginalis) var blanca. (716k) Tea plant (Camellia sinensis, german: Tee, french: Théier). (1.6M) Green Cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum, german: Grüner Kardamom, french: Cardamome). It is the most common of the species whose seeds are used as a spice called cardamom. (1.8M) Potato-chip Palm (Chamaedorea tuerckheimii). The thinner ones are about 25 years old, the thicker ones are 45 years old. (1.7M) Tree fern. (1.8M) Tree fern. (2M) Strangler Fig. (2M) Sapodilla (Manilkara zapota, german: Breiapfelbaum, french: Sapotillier). (1.9M) Allspice Tree (Pimenta dioica, german: Piment, french: Piment de la Jamaïque). (1.8M) Gumbo Limbo (Bursera simaruba, german: Weißgummibaum, french: Gommier rouge). Comically called Tourist Tree because of the red, peeling skin. (1.8M)
Fauna in Guatemala
Termite nest. (1370k) Leafcutter ant path. (2M) Cicada nymph exoskeleton. (1.5M) Crimson Patch butterfly (Chlosyne janais). (677k) Neotropical Freshwater Crab (Pseudothelphusidae gen.) in the Mucbilhá Cave. (1.6M) Sheath-winged Bats (Emballonurinae gen.) in the Mucbilhá Cave. (989k) Deppe's Squirrel (Sciurus deppei, german: Deppes Hörnchen, french: Écureuil de Deppe). (1410k) White-nosed Coati (Nasua narica, german: Weißrüssel-Nasenbär, french: Coati à nez blanc). (1494k) Central American Agouti (Dasyprocta punctata, french: Agouti ponctué). (1054k) Gray Fox (Urocyon cinereoargenteus, german: Graufuchs, french: Renard gris). (1048k) Central American Spider Monkey (Ateles geoffroyi, german: Geoffroy-Klammeraffe, french: Singe-araignée de Geoffroy). (1.6M) Yucatán Black Howler Monkey (Alouatta pigra, german: Guatemala-Brüllaffe, french: Hurleur du Guatemala). (1312k) White-tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginianus, german: Weißwedelhirsch, french: Cerf de Virginie). (1175k)
Fauna Movies
Howling of Yucatán Black Howler Monkeys (Alouatta pigra, german: Guatemala-Brüllaffe, french: Hurleur du Guatemala) over Maya ruins in the morning mist. (5.7M) Troop of White-nosed Coati (Nasua narica, german: Weißrüssel-Nasenbär, french: Coati à nez blanc). (169.6M)
This page contains 61 pictures with 37 species and 2 videos