It was a short visit to Albania, but I still managed to get pictures of a few birds, here they are. I especially like the Pygmy Cormorant (Microcarbo pygmaeus, german: Zwergscharbe, french: Cormoran pygmée), which I saw for the first time in Albania.

Nature pictures of Albania and other bird pages are linked:

Nature in Albania
Nature Page for Albania
Bird Pages
Bird Pages

All pictures are © Dr. Günther Eichhorn, unless otherwise noted.

Birds in Albania

House Sparrow (Passer domesticus)
House Sparrow (Passer domesticus, german: Haussperling, french: Moineau domestique). (386k)
Red-rumped Swallow (Cecropis daurica)
Red-rumped Swallows (Cecropis daurica, german: Rötelschwalbe, french: Hirondelle rousseline). (1500k)
Eurasian Bee-eater (Merops apiaster)
Eurasian Bee-eaters (Merops apiaster, german: Bienenfresser, french: Guêpier d'Europe). (831k)
Eurasian Bee-eater (Merops apiaster)
Eurasian Bee-eater (Merops apiaster, german: Bienenfresser, french: Guêpier d'Europe). (865k)
Crested Lark (Galerida cristata)
Crested Lark (Galerida cristata, german: Haubenlerche, french: Cochevis huppé). (1048k)
Crested Lark (Galerida cristata)
Crested Lark (Galerida cristata, german: Haubenlerche, french: Cochevis huppé). (811k)
Black-headed Wagtail (Motacilla flava feldegg)
Black-headed Wagtail (Motacilla flava feldegg, german: Schafstelze, french: Bergeronnette printanière). (676k)
European Turtle Dove (Streptopelia turtur)
European Turtle Dove (Streptopelia turtur, german: Turteltaube, french: Tourterelle des bois). (428k)
Eurasian Collared Dove (Streptopelia decaocto)
Eurasian Collared Dove (Streptopelia decaocto, german: Türkentaube, french: Tourterelle turque). (753k)
Eurasian Magpie (Pica pica)
Eurasian Magpie (Pica pica, german: Elster, french: Pie bavarde). (1030k)
Eurasian Jackdaw (Coloeus monedula)
Eurasian Jackdaw (Coloeus monedula, german: Dohle, french: Choucas des tours). (734k)
Mediterranean Gull (Ichthyaetus melanocephalus)
Mediterranean Gull (Ichthyaetus melanocephalus, german: Schwarzkopfmöwe, french: Mouette mélanocéphale). (497k)
Yellow-legged Gull (Larus michahellis)
Yellow-legged Gull (Larus michahellis, german: Mittelmeermöwe, french: Goéland leucophée). (717k)
Domestic Mallard
Domestic Mallard. (548k)
Eurasian Coot (Fulica atra)
Eurasian Coot (Fulica atra, german: Blässhuhn, french: Foulque macroule). (745k)
Eurasian Common Moorhen (Gallinula chloropus chloropus)
Eurasian Common Moorhen (Gallinula chloropus chloropus, german: Teichralle, french: Gallinule poule d'eau). (619k)
Pygmy Cormorant (Microcarbo pygmaeus)
Pygmy Cormorant (Microcarbo pygmaeus, german: Zwergscharbe, french: Cormoran pygmée). (594k)
Pygmy Cormorant (Microcarbo pygmaeus)
Pygmy Cormorant (Microcarbo pygmaeus, german: Zwergscharbe, french: Cormoran pygmée). (1030k)
Great Crested Grebe (Podiceps cristatus)
Great Crested Grebe (Podiceps cristatus, german: Haubentaucher, french: Grèbe huppé). (443k)
Squacco Heron (Ardeola ralloides)
Squacco Heron (Ardeola ralloides, german: Rallenreiher, french: Crabier chevelu). (845k)
Squacco Heron (Ardeola ralloides)
Squacco Heron (Ardeola ralloides, german: Rallenreiher, french: Crabier chevelu). (1192k)
Cattle Egret (Bubulcus ibis)
Cattle Egret (Bubulcus ibis, german: Kuhreiher, french: Héron garde-bœufs). (1092k)
Little Egret (Egretta garzetta)
Little Egret (Egretta garzetta, german: Seidenreiher, french: Aigrette garzette). (1379k)
Grey Heron (Ardea cinerea)
Grey Heron (Ardea cinerea, german: Graureiher, french: Héron cendré). (1025k)

This page contains 24 pictures of 19 bird species

Main page for Shqipëri (Albania)

Page last updated on Mon Jan 23 16:18:24 2023 (Mountain Standard Time)

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