Links to Dragonfly (Anisoptera fam.) pictures

Here are the pictures of Dragonfly (Anisoptera fam.) with links to the pages on which they appear, links to the full sized picture, and the description of the picture with links to the entry in iNaturalist (

All pictures are © Dr. Günther Eichhorn, unless otherwise noted.

Caribbean Birds
Anisoptera fam.
Purple-throated Carib (Eulampis jugularis, german: Purpurkehl­kolibri, french: Colibri madère) and a Dragonfly (Anisoptera fam., german: Großlibellen). (586k)
Congo Nature
Anisoptera fam.
Dragonfly (Anisoptera fam., german: Großlibellen). (861k)
Congo Nature
Anisoptera fam.
Dragonfly (Anisoptera fam., german: Großlibellen). (670k)
Ecuador Amazon
Anisoptera fam.
Dragonfly (Anisoptera fam., german: Großlibellen). There were lots of different dragonflies around the lakes. (536k)
Ethiopia Nature
Anisoptera fam.
Dragonfly (Anisoptera fam., german: Großlibellen). (602k)
Ethiopia Nature
Anisoptera fam.
Dragonfly (Anisoptera fam., german: Großlibellen). (509k)
Madagascar Nature
Anisoptera fam.
Dragonflies (Anisoptera fam., german: Großlibellen) are everywhere there is water. They come in amazing varieties. (796k)
Mongolia Nature
Anisoptera fam.
Dragonfly (Anisoptera fam., german: Großlibellen). (733k)
USA Nature
Anisoptera fam.
Dragonfly (Anisoptera fam., german: Großlibellen). (770k)
USA Nature
Anisoptera fam.
Dragonfly (Anisoptera fam., german: Großlibellen). (528k)
Zambia Nature
Anisoptera fam.
Dragonfly (Anisoptera fam., german: Großlibellen). (539k)

Links to Anisoptera fam. on
© Dr. Günther Eichhorn
Email Guenther Eichhorn

*Dr. Günther Eichhorn Travel Website
*Soaring website